
Northwood Trail york

what a nice little walk in the woods, anyone with a little girl… or a love of fairies will love it here

it was amazing my partner and little girl loved it here the stories and fairy doors it was amazing

We even stopped at the end at the cafe for a coffee and cake

I suggest anyone that is nearby or wants to spend a day in york check it out

Geek Talk


I’ve not used Centos linux for a long time… I still love it and all its RPM goodness

Some of my favourite packages are

Epel-release ….. contains loads of extra packages (like nagios and for certain versions of centos filezilla ftp client)

what’s your favourite os?


Covid 19 rambling

since march 2020 how the world has changed

countries have locked people in, they have also locked people out

the world is a changed place…. i think some of the changes will be for the better, like remote working, Skype GP appointments and many more things

Everyone is suspicious of everyone….. do they look like they have covid or not?…. maybe they do, maybe they don’t

In years to come our children will be studying this worldwide pandemic in school… I wonder what they will learn?

I wonder what other countries education systems will teach their children about this time?

Leave your thoughts in the comments